
All Beauty Machines

One of China’s premier beauty equipment manufacturers, SHEFMON, provides a diverse range of custom-made beauty equipment to meet your specific needs. Suitable for a variety of beauty treatments, each machine is crafted using cutting-edge technology and established R&D processes to make beauty accessible to all.
Products including: Hifu,Emsculpting,EMSFACE, Magnetotherapy,Ipl,Laser Hair Removal.Co2 Laser.Pico Yag Laser,Endos Velapro,Inner Ball,Cryolipolysis,Microneeding RF,Hydrofacial,Cavitation RF,Shockwave .any skin body treatment machines

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Benefits of Customizing Beauty Machine with Us

Ensuring Safety and Quality

Shefmon prioritizes safety and quality, adhering to the strict ISO9001 quality system. We meticulously control the production process from raw materials to machine testing, guaranteeing high-performance machines delivered to you.

Support OEM.ODM

We specialize in customizing beauty equipment. You can select from our range of machines, or we can assist you in designing your custom beauty equipment with a minimum order of 5 pieces.

Comprehensive service

As an expert beauty equipment supplier, we go the extra mile by offering operational training, marketing assistance, remote technical support, and other forms of support after delivering your custom beauty equipment.

Why Choose Us ?

Shefmon provides complete solutions for your busines,that consist of. gret equipmen. manketing and customer senice suppo.Your successfiul busines depends ona reliable partner. We can not only save costs, but also find competitiveness in this industry.Choose Shefmon, what you get is more thanjust one machine. Each of our machines has a maketing planto atract new customers, which willspeed upthe retum on theinvestment of your machine.

After more than ten years of clinical practices and tests by experts,we have been committed to the continuous upgrading andinnovation of core beauty technology, and strive to use the mostcutting-edge technology in the beauty industry so that safety andtechnology can achieve a perfect balance at the same time, to helpcustomers become beautiful safely and painlessly in the shortesttreatment course.From responsive technical support to expertsprofessional advice, our customers can expect to receive anoutstanding level of ongoing service that is unmatched anywhereelse in the industry

Our mission is to be the main contributor to a healthier and more beautiful life for people worldwide. With products directly supplied by our own factory, there is nohidden charges, no commissions and no middle profits. So ourclients can get the machines they desired with the lowest cost andstay competitive in the market.

We have been specializing in professional and advancedtechnology since 2014, also running a training school of our ownbrand. with each piece of Equipment our customers receive FREE TRAINING.Our licensed estheticians provide personalizedtraining on every piece ofequipment. This ensures qualityservice which results in building repeat customers.
And of course along with the training you receive a full manual

We understand that you are a business owner that is looking for not only a pieceof equipment, but for a working tool to increase your revenue and stability. That iswhy we give to all our customers a set of unique marketing materials that will helpyou to set up advertising on all social media outlets.Our main goal is to provideyou with great equipment to boost your spa business and accelerate your profits.This is what our customers receive with every SHEFMON purchase.

Personal touch -SHEFMON allows to perform an individual customized touch to each ofyour salons, spas, clinics and and client. through a wide variety of treatmentprotocols and perfect compatibility between our systems.

After 11 years of hard work in the beauty industry, our whole team are well trainedand highly experienced in specific and specialized areas of product range, thusproviding customers with strong product knowledge and service supports.
We are working as a team with all our customers, supporting and helping them. Weare building up a world-wide network of aesthetic professionals and businessowners, and together moving towards success.

We understand that deciding on a new piece of aesthetic equipment to purchase isnot always easy. You want to be 100% confident in the high quality and reliability ofyour new system. That is why SHEFMON offers 1 year warranty and life-time customersupport to all equipment.

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